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Showing posts from July, 2009

Ogamdo - Love stories beyond eroticism

5 famous Korean directors get together to paint their version of love/lust on the screen. The thing that caught my eyes is two women on the second row who seem like secret lovers. According to the papers, they met as a wife and husband's lover and they became lovers. You may know it or not, the women (of the two) on the right is Korean pop diva and gay icon, Jung-wha Um . The title ogamdo can have various meanings because the word is a Chinese-oriented word( By that I don't mean that the word itself comes from China. I mean that the word consists of Chinese letters ). You know that Chinese can have many meanings even if it sounds the same. " Ogamdo " is a famous poem by Korean poeat called I-sang. I don't think I-sang is the poet's real name. In Korean, it can be heard as "something ideal" and "something weird" at the same time. Originally "Ogamdo" was a word created by the poet. In Korean, "a bird's-eye-vie